Thursday, April 11, 2013

Savings = Upgrades & Improvements

I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy capitalizing on the savings I have collected from my grocery shopping strategy.

With every trip I make to the grocery store, I take the dollar amount saved from using my WinDixie Fuelperks card and transfer it over to a savings account. With that money I have been able to make a few "home improvements" and "upgrades".

Being that I have lived in a rental home for over 4 years now, my hands are tied when it comes to making any major changes to my house. This makes it really tough to make a house a home.

With winter behind us and the warmer weather upon us, I was bitten by the "change" bug and felt the urge to make some major changes around the house. Here are a few:




Patio Chairs:



Guest Room:
After (headboard, bedding, throw pillows, pictures, side table, chair)

Livingroom Throwpillows: 

The Boy's SHARED room:

After all of these updates, a new adventure is in store for the Thomason family...
We are in the process of closing on a piece of land in Ocean Springs, MS (the area where I grew up and my family currently lives) and we are going to build our DREAM HOME!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Try it Tuesday: Fabulous Shampoo & Conditioner

I am the girl who has a cabinet filled with mostly full bottles shampoos and conditioners because if they don't provide the body, texture and health I need for my hair then I am not going to finish using the bottle. That being said, the main area in which I struggle to find a good shampoo is the anti-dandruff category.

I wouldn't consider my dandruff "condition" to be chronic or even that noticeable, but more or less something that comes and goes with the changing weather conditions and the frequency of coloring my hair. With the simple addition of a mild anti-dandruff shampoo once or twice a week, my symptoms seem to clear up quickly. However, the problem seemed to shift from mild dandruff to limp, lifeless hair.

I could never find a good anti-dandruff shampoo that treated the symptoms without leaving a residue on my hair causing it to look dull and flat. For a southern girl, who is completely vain, this is a real problem! :)

On one of my shopping trips to Target, I came across a "new" shampoo by Aveeno that peaked my interest. While at the time I was not in the market for a new shampoo, the shear smell of this shampoo sold me on giving it a try. I started out using the Nourish and Strengthen line and immediately fell in love. It was rich and creamy with a salon smell, but most importantly it made my hair feel and look great! My hair stylist even commented on a noticeable improvement in the health of my hair.  

In the last week the weather has turned colder and my skin has become drier, which causes my dandruff symptoms to flair up. I just happened to be in Target over the weekend and noticed that the Aveeno haircare line had expanded and now included an anti-dandruff option. I immediately grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and added it to my purchases.

Today was the first time I tried it for the first time and I LOVE IT! The smell is divine (not that medicated smell that some anti-dandruff shampoos have) and it left no residue on my hair after I blow dried it. My hair felt moisturized, soft and full of body.

I can guarantee that this is one bottle of shampoo and conditioner that will go empty! I can actually see myself using this as more than a supplement to my other haircare products, but as my primary shampoo and conditioner for an everyday use.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Habit Updates: Taking a Minute to Brag

After 2 complete months of trying to create better/healthier life habits, I can happily report that we have stuck to all of the habits that I have created thus far:

1) making my bed daily
2) skincare/facial routine
3) coupon/sales paper/ meal planning/ healthier eating combo

And the payoff has been....

1) A daily feeling of self accomplishment after making my bed each morning, even if I do nothing else the rest of the day.

2) Two compliments, this week alone, on younger, healthy, smooth looking skin!

3) Making our groceries last an entire pay cycle, saving us nearly $150 a week. We have eaten only what is on the family menu, with the exception of two cheat/out to eat days in two weeks (because we traveled out of town).

4) Sticking to fresh veggies and protein and eliminating fast food/ processed food has resulted in Jim's blood pressure being the best it's EVER been (128/72). In addition, he's lost nearly 15lbs...and I have lost 10lbs!

2013 is shaping up to be a great year....I hope we can continue moving in a positive direction!

Next up....Recycling!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Try it Tuesday: MakeUp Primer

Since I have become obessed with skincare and keeping my face moisturized, I have found that my makeup routine and needs have changed as well. I am not sure if it is age, hormones, the weather or all of the above that is causing my face to be so dry and flaky, but my need for moisturizer has greatly increased. I have tried several different brands and combinations and one consistent trend has emerged....a shiny face! No matter how much powder, blotting or touching up I do my face looks like one big grease ball by the end of the day. I wasn't exactly sure how to combat this problem and found myself making too many makeup purchases trying to find a fix. I didn't want to stop wearing moisturizer and I certainly didn't want to fill my drawers and cabinets with worthless products.

While browsing Twitter, I came across an article by Real Simple that examined different makeup primers. I was skeptical at first because I didn't want one more thing under my makeup in fear that it would make it look heavy and thick. An acquaintence of mine said she used a primer from Wal-Mart that had been compared to Smashbox ($38) but cost much less ($8) and loved it. My curiosity was peaked, and for that cost, of course I am going to give it a try.

So over the weekend, I made a trip to Wal-Mart and purchased Hard Candy Primer. They had several to chose from: sheer, skin illuminating, skin perfecting, etc. I chose the sheer primer simply because I wanted a basic primer to help with shine control.

I must say, I was surprised the first time I tried it due to it's color and texture. I guess I was expecting it to be tinted or colored in some way and to have a more "liquid" texture. This was not the case. It was white/clear in color and felt almost wax like when applied to my skin. It felt like a second skin was being applied to my face. Kind of weird, but very soft and smooth.

The directions say to "let it set" before applying foundation, but that took only took a couple of minutes, so it didn't add a ton of time to my makeup routine. After "drying", the only "foundation" that I used is a BB cream by Bobbi Brown and a loose powder by Ulta. While I thought the BB cream went on a little thinner while using the primer, I definitely felt like it went on with a smoother finish.

After a total wear of 8+ hours, and ZERO touchups, I had absolutely NO shine at the end of the day! I am simply amazed!! My makeup does not feel heavier in any way and required no continued maintenance throughout the day!

I will give this primer two thumbs up and it has most definitely become a part of my makeup neccessities!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Saving Money - A Different Approach

While I have not completely ditched my coupon usage, I have come to realize the only way I am going to really reap the benefits of using coupons is if I seek them out, plan my shopping trips accordingly and use them in abundance. In all honesty, I am not that invested; however, I will continue use coupons as I receive them in the mail and when I make trips to buy monthly household products.

As I got the mail on Monday, I came across the weekly circular from Win-Dixie (which is where I buy my weekly groceries). They don' typically issue coupons. They utilize a rewards card system, "fuel perks" discount and BOGO options. Although I receive it weekly, I have never really looked through the circular to check out the "deals" of the week because I am brand loyal and haven't been one to compare prices.

This is all about to change.

Since beginning this "new/life changing habits" journey, I have wanted to make some changes in my poor diet and Jim has needed to decrease sodium in his diet (for blood pressure purposes). Over the weekend we completed a full examination on what is really in our pantry/refrigerator and explored diet options that can meet both of our requirements. We were shocked that the things we were eating that we thought were healthy were not! Canned veggies. Frozen fish. Packaged tuna. Salad Dressings. Etc...All items high in sodium and not all that healthy. So we realized that we were going to have to eat fresh protein, fruits and veggies and cut out all processed foods in order to really make the changes we needed.

How are we going to make this happen while trying to utilize coupons, limit small/random trips to the grocery store, and save money?

The Epiphany - A new way to save: MEAL PLANNING! (bright idea, huh?)

This lead me to the idea of utilizing the weekly Win-Dixie circular to plan out our weekly, fresh, healthy meals. I am no longer going to focus on buying my typical brands, instead I am going to buy what is on sale according to my weekly meal plan.

Why have I never thought of this before?? Because I am lazy and routine and I wanted to be able to run into the grocery store each Sunday (shopping day) and make my typical route through the aisles and pick up the brands I love without looking at the nutrition label.

This approach to grocery shopping usually costs us about $200 a trip...PLUS the "mini" trips we make throughout the week because we are lacking ingredients to complete a meal.

This week I am armed and prepared with the items I selected from this weeks circular and our meal plan for the week. So the big question is...can we stick to this? Can I only buy what is on this list? Can we really stick to this meal plan or is a craving for something not on meal plan going to be our demise?

We shall see....

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hello Skin Care

I have never been one to be obsessed with aging, fine lines, wrinkles, etc.....until now! I have to admit that looking at my gene pool I have always felt blessed and reassured that I would age beautifully and gracefully! I am not sure what has happened to that thought process, but since turning 30 three years ago I have become slightly more obsessed with the aging process.

Throughout college, my roommate had our cabinets stocked full of anti aging regimens, pore minimizers, moisturizers, toners, exfoliators, etc. But I snuffed her encouragement to begin a skin care routine and continued to pretty much sleep in my make up constantly and only washing it off to reapply it for another night out. I just could never buy into the "preventative" approach and was always in the mindset of dealing with the wrinkles and "stuff" when they finally appeared YEARS down the road! HA! Who was I kidding!!

Growing up I never had any real skin issues. I had occasional breakouts and a short period in which I had some rosacea, but I never had to deal with major acne or other skin issues that would create a complex. Therefore, I never practiced routine skin care regimens or a concern for preventing future issues.


While I didn't stare in the mirror and inspect every little line and wrinkle, I had a few moments where I passed by a mirror in the store or looked at a picture and thought "Wow, I am really starting to age!" I didn't rush out and buy a bunch of products; however, I did start to consider using some anti-aging regimens, but the sheer cost of skin care seems ridiculous to me. When the cost of "running a household" is my main priority, it is hard to find the "extra" money to invest in skins care products.

At the beginning of this year two major events happened in my life. I turned 33 and I became a stay at home wife/mother. Something about that combination sent me straight to the store to purchase skin care products! So on January 15, 2013 I found myself at Ulta cosmetics and beauty supply to find the products I needed.

Thanks to my friend Katie, at Everyday Southernista, I learned of this great microdelivery peel by Philosophy called Resurface. With the red, dryness of my skin, I thought this would be a good place to start as it provides an exfoliation of dead skin cells and the rejuvenation dull, sun-damaged complexions. SOLD. Add this to my shopping basket!

I was also in the market for a good anti-aging moisturizer. Luckily, I had just seen the truth in aging segment on the Today Show: Hoda and Kathie Lee where they featured the Good Housekeeping's new book, 7 Years Younger, and recommendations for anti-aging potions and lotions to make you look seven years younger. The product that stood out to me in this segment was Elizabeth Arden's Lift and Firm Day Cream.

At the time of my visit to Ulta, Elizabeth Arden's Day Cream was not in stock, but lucky for me Philosophy was gifting the Miracle Worker Trial Set ($49 value) with purchase of additional Philosophy products. So with the purchase of Resurface and Purity face wash, I got the free sample pack. During this trip I also purchased the L'Oreal Revitalift eye cream and the beginning of my skin care regimen was born.

That evening, my routine started with the Resurface of my skin, followed by the application of the eye cream, the miracle worker retinoid pads, concentrate, and moisturizer.

I have repeated this routine for 21 days now and I have to say, it has become a habit...or more like an addiction!

I have seen gradual results over the last 21 days with the most dramatic being in the tone and texture. I feel like my skin is tighter, smoother, more moisturized and it feels SO good to the touch!


These results I have seen over the past few weeks has sent me running to my "junk" drawer (as I previously saw it) to recover any skin care products that I may have gotten as a "bonus buy" or "free gift" with purchase. To my surprise, I have A LOT! This now has become my treasure drawer and all of these products will be used as part of this new skin care obsession!

Young or old, if you don't already have some type of skin care routine, I HIGHLY recommend it! Even if you go a cheaper route and use products from the drug something to help your skin. It will pay off in the long run!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Try it Tuesday - Greek Yogurt

Although I don't like to admit it, I am not a fan of change. I used to be, but once I became a mother and life became scheduled, routine and regimented I found myself resisting anything that resembled change.

When I was working (although it was from home) I had a very strict routine that assured I got my life and work "to do's" done each day. My life became so routine, that I even found myself eating the same things for breakfast, lunch and dinner 5 days a week...and somewhat venture out on the weekends.

I am also the kind of person that is brand loyal and narrow minded when it comes to trying new things. I pretty much order the same thing over and over at restaurants and shun the thought of "branching out".

Realizing this about myself makes me sad, so I decided to do something about it. A few weeks ago, I noticed a hashtag on Twitter called #TryItTuesday which indicated that a new food, product, exercise routine, etc. had beed tried by an individual. This caught my attention and peaked my interest. What if I adopted this thought process as a way to stretch my comfort zone? So that is what I am going to do.

Today is my first day to try something new: GREEK YOGURT


Food is one of the hardest areas for me to change habits and branch out. I buy the same things week in and week out, and stick to the same recipes time and time again (when I actually cook), so I figured this was a good starting place for "Try it Tuesday".

Some of my favorite snacks include: chips, trail mix, string cheese, more chips and Cheetos! As you can see, this area of my diet needs a major overhaul! I have seen and heard all of this hooplah over greek yogurt, but have had no desire to try it due to past yogurt experiences.

There is no particular reason why I chose Fage greek yogurt; it was simply the first item that caught my eye in the grocery store. I am usually one that likes fruit flavors (strawberry, blueberry, etc), but I have heard that honey is one of the most popular flavors in the greek yogurt market. So, that was my first choice.

I have to say I did a major inspection (look, touch, smell) before I took my first bite. With eyes closed and nose scrunched, I closed my lips around the spoon and felt the yogurt on my tongue. The texture wasn't pleasing at first, but the taste (with the hint of sweet honey) was intriguing. I wanted to take another bite, and another bite and another bite....I liked it! The texture of food is usually a deal breaker for me, but I was able to get past it and finish the entire container with satisfaction.

While I am not in love with this new snack, it is something that I can definitely incorporate into my diet regimen....I mean, for health's sake!